This week was by far my favorite! At the beginning of the week, I created a meeting at the Digital Knowledge Center – Empowering UMW students to be digital creators to completely understand WordPress. It was very helpful and now all my pages and post are sorted. I feel so relieved that things are starting to come together so nicely. There were about four pages/ posts that I had to create this week.
Chip Kidd was a very interesting person to learn about during this week. There were many interesting videos and articles that I read which talked about design. Chip Kidd is a very important person to the design world of book covers. Book covers are a great way to making the reader have first impression of the words they are about to read.

In this post I made, I talk about a picture that has three different images in one photo that was taken with an iPhone. The other reading I did was about Chip Kidd, the one thing that really stuck out to me was the fact that everything is consider design other than nature. I also talk about different kind of posters, book covers, and movie titles. A great way to make poster is actually taking pictures of people and or items that is connected to the plot.
Our next assignment was to create 7 photos within 20 minutes of starting the assignment. Which you can see the 7 pictures if you click on the photo on the right.
Of course, we also had to complete at least 3 daily posts which are now my favorite thing to do so far on DS106. Which I ended up doing these 3 here below:
We also did an assignment that I based off of the signer Rod Wave which was the It’s not art, it’s data – Demystifying AI ( The creations I got from the different websites I used to create my images were very…interesting. Needless to ask it was a very fun project that was given to us. If you click here you are able to view the results!
Can not forget about the assignment bank post that I needed to create two. We had to base these pictures off of the character we had created. I had my boyfriend help me with these assignments because he knows more about guy items than I would have. If you click on the bag that is full of items you can see why these items are places in the pictures.

At the very end of this week, I am proud to say that I know enjoy this class. It is no lower stressful but fun and engaging. If someone asked me how this class was. About three weeks ago, I would have said to NOT join this class because it was so stressful and very confusing. Now, at least right now, I would tell people that they should sign up for getting help on WordPress from the start. Once you learn how WordPress works than this class is so much fun!